Wall Art

A wall art piece, works just like painting or a picture-frame. You can hang it on the wall of your choice to dress it up.

They instantly warm up a room!

All wall art pieces are made in epicea wood, hand cut and painted. Each geometrical design carries a special meaning.

Wooden art piece to be hung on the wall. The design represents geometrically mirrors. We can see ourselves through the interaction with people, who are our mirrors.

Epicea and Walnut

77 x 40 cm

Wooden art piece to be hung on the wall. The design represents geometrically limits, how sometimes we can go beyond them and find uncharted territory
Wise Man’s Eye


42 x 32 cm

Wooden art piece to be hung on the wall. The design represents geometrically limits, how sometimes we can go beyond them and find uncharted territory
Beyond Limits


82 x 42 cm